Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Evolution of Yadi

I haven't touched this food journal in several weeks. First I thought I had this thing down and could keep everything I ate in my mind. LOL. Seriously. I figured I had learned the lesson that needed to be learned (no mindless eating) therefore I no longer needed to heed this discipline. After that I went on several binges which included eating red meat. I hadn't eaten red meat in 8 years. I gained close to three pounds back and decided to stop weighing myself. That's where I've been.

So now this journal is taking a different direction. It is with great trepidation of the thoughts of my readers that I say the following - I am now a raw foodist. For a full explanation as to why I made this decision, see my personal blog here. I feel the need to write a disclaimer. Going raw is not for everyone. I'm doing what I know is right for me.

That being said, I am now going to use this journal to document my experience as a "raw foodist" (a term which I detest and will only use this one time). I officially went raw on Monday, February 11, 2008. That makes today my 3rd day. The last time I weighed myself was February 4th and I was 173 point something. I didn't weigh myself again until today because the rest of that week I ate atrociously and knew I had gained even more weight. Today, after only 3 days of eating raw, I weighed in at 170.2. I know the numbers aren't everything, but it is always nice to see them going in the direction of a healthy weight instead of the opposite.

Since I prefer to live an intuitively and spirit-led life rather than cerebrally-led, I prefer not to set a time frame on how long I will be raw - and I definitely won't say it's forever. At this point I can see myself transitioning to a high raw diet (mostly raw with a few cooked whole grains, still vegan) - but who knows? So my journey begins and I'm looking forward to the fabulous changes this will bring.

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